Kayla Michaele
Psychic Teacher Presenter

Angel Card Readings
Oracle cards are an ancient,time-honored way to connect with angels and archangels. The Angel Tarot® deck provide only loving, healignand uplifting messges from your Angels. Cards are a great way to provide a "picture" of the messages that Kayla will receive for you. You will receive clear guidance for specific issues or problems that you may currently be dealing with, so that you can move forward in a healthy and positive way.
Located in Minneapolis, MN she is available for Private In-person readings and Phone readings.
Please contact Kayla to set up an appointment.
Either call 612-396-1848 or use the contact form.
*Kayla will send you a picture of the cards used in your reading*
30 min Phone/Zoom Reading- $80
*Informative shorter reading for those who who have
just 1-3 questions.*

1 hour In-Person/Zoom Reading- $150
*Private, in-person readings are held in my office.
In-depth reading for those who wish to feel more
comfortable meeting in-person.*